
Journal Articles and Book Chapters

In press

  • Barnes, C., Irigoien, X., De Oliveira, J.A.A., Maxwell, D. and Jennings,S. (in press) Predicting marine phytoplankton community size structure from empirical relationships with remotely-sensed variables. Journal of Plankton Research doi: 10.1093/plankt/fbq088
  • Barry, J. and Coggan, R. (in press) The Visual Fast Count method: a critical examination and development for underwater video sampling. Aquatic Biology.
  • Besbeas, P. (in press) Estimation. Encyclopedia of Research Design. Sage Publications (Ed Salkind, N.J.)
  • Bierman, S., Butler, A., Marion, G. and Kühn, I. (in press) Bayesian image restoration to analyze biological atlas data with spatially varying non-detection probabilities. Ecography
  • Boakes, D.E., Codling, E.A., Thorn, G.J., Steinke, M. (in press) Analysis and modelling of swimming behaviour in Oxyrrhis marina.
  • Bonner, S.J., Morgan, B.J.T. and King, R. (in press) Continuous covariates in mark-recapture-recovery analysis: A comparison of methods. Biometrics
  • Borchers, D.L. (in press) A non-technical overview of spatially explicit capture–recapture models. Journal of Ornithology
  • Buckland, S.T., Plumptre, A.J., Thomas, L. and Rexstad, E.A. (in press) Line transect sampling of primates: can animal-to-observer distance methods work? International Journal of Primatology
  • Buckland, S.T., Plumptre, A.J., Thomas, L. and Rexstad, E.A. (in press) Design and analysis of line transect surveys for primates. International Journal of Primatology
  • Carvell, C., Osborne, J.L., Bourke, A.F.G., Freeman, S.N., Pywell, R.F. and Heard, M.S. (in press) Bumble bee species’ responses to a targeted conservation measure depend on landscape context and habitat quality. Ecological Applications
  • Codling, E.A. and Plank, M.J. (in press) Turn designation, sampling rate and the misidentification of power-laws in movement path data using maximum likelihood estimates. Journal of Theoretical Ecology
  • Cole, D.J. (in press) Determining Parameter Redundancy of Multi-state Mark-recapture Models for Sea Birds.n Journal of Ornithology DOI 10.1007/s10336-010-0574-0
  • Cole, D.J. and Morgan, B.J.T. (in press) A note on determining parameter redundancy in age-dependent tag return models for estimating fishing mortality, natural mortality and selectivity. JABES DOI: 10.1007/s13253-010-0026-6
  • Cole, D.J. and Morgan, B.J.T. (in press) Parameter redundancy with covariates. Biometrika DOI: 10.1093/biomet/asq041
  • Cooper, K., Ware, S., Vanstaen, K. and Barry, J. (in press) Gravel Seeding – a suitable technique for restoration of the seabed following marine aggregate dredging? Estuarine and Coastal Shelf Science.
  • Cox, M.J., Borchers, D.L. and Brierley, A.S. (in press) Estimating Antarctic krill (Eupausia superb) density from multibeam echosounder observations using distance sampling methods. Applied Statistics
  • Fieberg, J., Matthiopoulos, J., Hebblewhite, M., Frair, J. and Boyce, M. (2010) Autocorrelation and studies of habitat selection: problem, red herring, or opportunity? Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B
  • Freeman, S.N. and Besbeas, P. (in press) Quantifying changes in abundance without counting animals: extensions to a method of fitting Integrated Population Models. Journal of Ornithology DOI: 10.1007/s10336-011-0667-4
  • Guillera-Arroita, G., Morgan, B.J.T., Ridout, M.S. and Linkie, M. (to appear) Species occupancy modeling for detection data collected along a transect. JABES.
  • Hayes, N., Blackburn, E., Boyle, M., Russell, G., Frost, T., Morgan, B. and Gullick, W. (to appear) Expression of Neureguolin 4 splice variants in normal human tissues and prostate cancer and their effects on cell motility. Endocrine-Related Cancer
  • Heide-Jørgensen, M.P., Laidre, K.L., Borchers, D.L., Stem, H. and Simon, M.J. (in press) The effect of sea ice loss on beluga whales (Delphinapterus leucas) in West Greenland. Polar Research
  • Heide-Jørgensen, M.P., Laidre, K.L., Burt, M.L., Borchers, D.L., Hansen, R.G., Rasmussen, M. And Fossette, S. (in press) Abundance of narwhals (Monodon monoceros) in Greenland. Journal of Mammalogy
  • Heide-Jørgensen, M.P., Laidre, K.L., Hansen, R.G., Burt, M.L., Borchers, D.L., Hansén, J., Harding, K., Rasmussen, M., Dietz, R and Teilmann, J. (in press) Rate of increase and current abundance of humpback whales in West Greenland. Journal of Cetacean Research and Management.
  • Heide-Jørgensen, M.P., Laidre, K.L., Simon, M., Rasmussen, M., Burt, M.L. and Borchers, D.L. (in press) Abundance estimates of fin whales in West Greenland in 2007. JCRM
  • Illian, J.B. and Hendrichsen, D.K. (in press) Gibbs point process models with fixed and random effects. Environmetrics
  • Lewis, F.I., Butler, A. and Gilbert, L. (in press). A unified approach to model selection using the likelihood ratio test: an application to tick questing abundance. Methods in Ecology and Evolution.
  • Johnson, L.R. (in press) Implications of dispersal and life history strategies for the persistence of linyphiid spider populations. Ecological Modelling
  • Katara, I., Illian, J.B., Pierce, G.J., Scott, B. and Wang, J. (in press) Oceanic patterns in the Mediterranean: Are they influenced by teleconnection patterns? International Journal of Climatology
  • King, R. (in press) Statistical Ecology in Handbook of Markov chain Monte Carlo Eds. Brooks, Gelman, Jones and Meng. CRC Press.
  • Marion, G., Grabaum, R., Bierman, S., Butler, A., Grescho, V., Spangenberg, J., Kühn, I., Hammen, V., Hickler, T., Hulme, P., Douguet, J.M., Peterson, K., Potts, S., Reginster, I., Maxim, L., Omann, I. and Settele, J. (in press) Biodiversity risk assessment for Europe – putting it all together. Atlas of Biodiversity Risk Eds. Josef Settele et al. Pensoft, Sofia & Moscow.
  • Marques, T.A., Buckland, S.T., Borchers, D.L., Tosh, D. and McDonald, R.A. (in press) Point transect sampling along linear features. Biometrics DOI: 10.1111/j.1541-0420.2009.01381.x
  • Marques, T.A., Buckland, S.T., Borchers, D.L., Rexstad, E. and Thomas, L. (in press) Distance sampling. Springer’s International Lexicon of Statistical Sciences
  • Marques, T. A., Thomas, L., and J. A. Royle. (in press) A hierarchical model for spatial capture-recapture data: comment. Ecology. DOI: 10.1890/10-1440.1
  • Mazzetta, C. (in press) Age-specificity in conditional ring-recovery models. JABES
  • McClintock, B.T., Bailey, L.L., Pollock, K.H. and Simons, T.R. (in press) Unmodeled observation error induces bias when inferring patterns and dynamics of species occurrence based on auditory detections. Ecology
  • McCrea, R.S. and Morgan, B.J.T. (in press) Multi-site mark recapture model selection using score tests. Biometrics
  • McCrea, R.S., Morgan, B.J.T. and Bregnballe, T. (in press) Model comparison and assessment for multi-state capture-recapture-recovery models. Journal of Ornithology.
  • Miller, D., Morgan, B.J.T., Ridout, M.S., Carey, P. and Rothery, P. (in press) Methods for exact perturbation analysis. Methods in Ecology and Evolution
  • Moyes, K. Morgan, B. Moprris, A. Morris, S. Clutton-Brock, T. and Coulson, T. (to appear)Individual differences in reproductive costs examined using multi-state methods. J. Animal Ecology
  • Oliver, L.J., Morgan, B.J.T., Durant, S.M. and Pettorelli, N. (to appear) Individual heterogeneity in recapture probability and survival estimates. Ecological Modelling
  • Palmer, K.J., Ridout, M.S. and Morgan, B.J.T. (in press) Analysing curing of the [PSI+] prion by simulating prion kinetic models. J. Theoretical Biology
  • Paxton, C.G.M., Hedley, S. and Bannister, J.L. (in press) Group IV Humpback whales: their status from aerial and land-based surveys off Western Australia, 2005. JCRM
  • Riley, W.D., Maxwell, D.L., Ives, M.J. and Bendall, B. (in press) Some observations on the impact of temperature and low flow on the onset of downstream movement of wild Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., smolts. Aquaculture
  • Robinson, R. A., Baillie, S. R. and King, R. (in press) Population Processes in European Blackbirds Turdus merula: A State-space Approach. Journal of Ornithology
  • Russell, R.E., Lehmkuhl, J.F., Buckland, S.T. and Saab, V.A. (in press) Short-term responses of red squirrels to prescribed burning in the interior Pacific Northwest, USA. Journal of Wildlife Management
  • Smout, S., King, R. and Pomeroy, P. (in press) Estimating demographic parameters for capture-recapture data in the presence of multiple mark types. Environmental and Ecological Statistics
  • Smout, S.C., King, R. and Pomeroy, P.P. (in press) Integrating Heterogeneity of Detection and Mark Loss to Estimate Survival and Transience in UK Colonies of Grey Seal. Journal of Applied Ecology
  • Summers, R.W. and Buckland, S.T. (in press) A first survey of the global population size and distribution of the Scottish crossbill Loxia scoticaBird Conservation International
  • Thomas, L., Buckland, S.T., Rexstad, E.A., Laake, J.L., Strindberg, S., Hedley, S.L., Bishop, J.R.B., Marques, T.A. and Burnham, K.P. (in press) Distance software: design and analysis of distance sampling surveys for estimating population size. J. App. Ecol.
  • Thomsen, F., McCully, S.R., Weiss, L., Wood, D., Warr, K., Law, R. and Barry, J. (in press) Cetacean stock assessment in relation to exploration and production industry sound: current knowledge and data needs. Marine Mammals.
  • Viallefont, A., Besbeas, P., Morgan, B.J.T. and McCrea, R.S. (in press) Estimating survival and transition rates from aggergate sightings of animals. Journal of Ornithology.
  • Viana, M., Pierce, G.J., Illian, J.B., MacLeod, C.D., Bailey, N., Wang, J. and Hastie, L.C. (in press) Seasonal movements of veined squid Loligo forbesi in Scottish (UK) waters. Aquatic Living Resources
  • Walker, C.G., Mackenzie, M.L., Donovan, C.R. and O’Sullivan, M.J. (in press) SALSA: A Spatially Adaptive Local Smoothing Algorithm. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation


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